🚗 Company car

We offer a staff car to all our employees. As an employee, you finance the car via salary deductions and take advantage of the employer's right to VAT deductions and reduced social security contributions via salary changes. If you terminate your employment during the current agreed leasing period, the leasing is transferred to the person in question privately.


Travel to/from work

If you travel to and from work in the car, you are entitled to a tax deduction if you gain more than two hours per day. This is declared to the Swedish Tax Agency in its income tax return and is not a cost we as a company charge. For questions email Sandra.

If you have used a car for travel to and from work, you can deduct expenses for;

The deduction is 18,50 SEK / mil

⏱ Flex / Overtime

Remuneration for any overtime and weekend hours is individual depending on the customer and assignment. Overtime must be ordered by the customer at the customer and be in writing in order for compensation to be guaranteed.


Expenses happen!

🔸NOTE!🔸All physical receipts must be saved for our accounting.