<aside> 💡 These benefits are also included for internal employees at SolidX.


At SolidX, we invest in you. In addition to giving you the tools you need to do your job well, we also have benefits that will help you grow with the company. We also strive to remain the company that puts the consultant first in all our decisions and values feedback. If you have any questions about your benefits, please contact the People team directly. Details of these benefits are below.

⏱Flexible working hours

SolidX is based on a culture of trust, so you can be trusted to manage your own working hours. Use this to manage your own balance between work and private life so that you are productive and happy both at work and outside of work. Take this opportunity to take care of your personal responsibilities such as family time, important events, your health and your well-being.

Of course, when you are not available, inform the customer who may be dependent on your availability and make sure your responsibilities are covered.

💪🏸⛷Wellness allowance

At SolidX, you get SEK 5,000 per year for wellness.

On the Swedish Tax Agency's website, you can see what counts as wellness (it's more than you think!) Click on the link below 👇🏼

In order for us to be able to deduct a cost such as wellness, receipt documents in original and/or pdf format are always needed and your name must appear on the receipt.

💻 Electronics and Hardware

Contact [email protected]

📚 Free books

Get non-fiction books for free - digital, physical, and audio - you want, at any time to a maximum value of 500 SEK (including VAT) per month.

⛱ Sabbatical year

Take a 6-week break, fully paid, after five years with SolidX.